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   Himalayan Pink Salt


Sea Salt


Table Salt

What Is Salt?

Salt is a mineral that mostly consists of the compound of sodium chloride.


Salt contains a large amount of sodium chloride, around 98% by weight. Mostly people use the words "salt" and "sodium."


Salt is produced by evaporating saltwater and extracting solid salt from underground salt mines as well.


Before salt reaches your markets, table salt also goes through many refining processes to remove all impurities and other minerals from sodium chloride.


Anti agents are added, which will help to absorb moisture and iodine. It will help consumers to prevent iodine deficiency from people.


Humans use salt to add flavor and preserve foods for thousands of years.

Sodium also plays a vital role in many biological functions, such as fluid balance, nerve conduction, and muscle contraction.


It is necessary to have salt or sodium in your diet.


Many healthcare professionals claim that too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure and lead to heart disease. Because of the potential dangers, consuming too much table salt, many people now start using Himalayan salt to drive healthier alternatives.



The Difference between Himalayan Salt, Table Salt and Sea Salt


Many types of salts are available in the market. They claim to help and differentiate themselves in the eyes of the customers. Suppliers of the Himalayan salt claim that this salt is very healthy, and its taste is better in foods than other spices because of the presence of trace minerals. There are differences in color and minor chemical composition compared to table salt. The major component of these salts is sodium chloride. Variations in mineral composition and many other impurities may contribute more than a color difference.


Here are the differences between ordinary table salt, sea salt, and Himalayan pink salt.


Himalayan Pink Salt


Himalayan pink salt contains some amount of iron oxide, which gives it a pale pink color. It is mostly found from the Khewra Salt Mine, located near the Himalayas in Pakistan.


The Khewra Salt Mine is one of the oldest and largest salt mines in the world.


Himalayan pink salt harvested from Khewra Mine. It is believed that it was formed millions of years ago from the evaporation of ancient bodies of water.


Just like table salt, Himalayan pink salt is comprised of sodium chloride.


The natural harvesting process allows Himalayan pink salt to possess many other minerals and trace elements not found in regular table salt. This is the main difference between these two salts.


Some people thought that it contains up to 84 different minerals and trace elements. It will provide a small amount of calcium, potassium, and magnesium as well. This means it is slightly lower in sodium than table salt. For instance, table salt contains 97% to 99.9% of sodium chloride while, on the other hand, Himalayan pink salt contains only 87% of sodium chloride.


Table Salt aka Regular Salt


The most common salt that we use in our homes is regular table salt.


This salt is highly refined, which means that it is slowly ground, most of its impurities are traced and remove minerals.


The main problem with slowly ground salt is that it can clump together. Various substances called anti-caking agents, that are added so that it flows freely.


Table salt is almost pure sodium chloride containing 97% or higher, but it contains iodine in many countries.


The addition of iodine in table salt is the result of successful public health. It will prevent measures against iodine deficiency, which is common in many parts of the world. 


Iodine deficiency is a leading cause of hypothyroidism, intellectual disability, and various other health problems in today's children.


If you choose not to eat regular iodine that is enriched table salt, make sure that you are eating other high iodine foods like fish, dairy, eggs, and seaweed.


Table salt is mainly mined from underground salt.


Table salt is more heavily processed in order to eliminate minerals and mostly contains an additive to prevent clumping from it. Most table salt also add iodine, which is essential nutrient that will help to maintain a healthy thyroid.


Ordinary table salt is slowly ground, and most of its trace minerals and impurities have been removed before it is packaged for store shelves. Because it is so finely milled that table salt has a different texture in food as compared to more coarsely-ground salts, like sea salt and Himalayan pink salt.



 Sea Salt


Sea salt is made by evaporating seawater.


Like table salt, it mostly contains sodium chloride depending on its source and how it was processed. It usually contains various traces of minerals such as potassium and iron as well as zinc.


The darker is the sea salt, the higher its concentration of impurities and traces of nutrients. Due to ocean pollution, sea salt also harbor trace amounts of heavy metals like lead.


Sea salt also contains microscopic, which remains plastic waste. The health implications in food are still unclear, but many researchers believe that health risks are low.


Just like regular refined salt, sea salt is often grounded. If you will sprinkle it on your food after cooking, it has a different mouthfeel and causes a more flavor burst than refined salt.


The trace minerals found in sea salt can also affect its taste, but this varies significantly between brands.


The main difference between sea salt and table salt is their taste, texture, and processing.


Sea salt is produced through the evaporation of ocean water and water from saltwater lakes that are usually with little processing. Depending on the water source, it will leave behind individual traces of minerals and elements. The crystals add flavor and color to sea salt, which also comes in various coarseness levels.



Sea salt as well as table salt will have the same underlying nutritional value, even though sea salt is often promoted as healthier. Sea salt and table salt contain a lot of sodium by weight.














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